Who Am I?

Welcome to my blog, you can call me kinghelmi or king as a short. I wish we could have met in a better circumstances, however you've made your way here. Since this is my first post, I want to make one thing clear to you in the first place and that is:

"I am not an internet marketing guru and I would never want to claimed to be one."

Oh yeah I wanna apologize to you also because I will write as like I am talking to you so you'll find my writings uses a lot of everyday slang but I hope the contents delivers, that's all that matters.

I just write about stuffs and affiliate marketing happens to be one of 'em and I will do my best to make it as informative as possible for everyone to gain something... well that's what we all hope. And I would love to hear your feedbacks.

Noticed that the design of my blog is a long winding road on a desert?

Yeah, I think it relates to affiliate marketing in a way... affiliate marketing is indeed a journey not just in finding a good stable income or freeing ourselves from what so called the work slavery.

But I think it is a self-improvement process that you'll discover amazing things that will betterment you in a lot of ways.

Because of that... if you just started to do online business or planning to do, here is a question I would like you to honestly answer:

Why should you do online business?
I will answer that question in my next post.

Thanx for spending your time on this intro. Until next time...

C ya,

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